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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Fairy Tail: Part 4 Blu-ray Review

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(The below TheaterByte screen captures are lightly compressed with lossy JPEG at 100% quality setting and are meant as a general representation of the content. They do not fully reveal the capabilities of the Blu-ray format)

The Series


If you’ve made it through parts 1, 2, and, 3, then you pretty much know what Fairy Tail is all about by now. You know that the core of the series is what peril the Fairy Tail wizard’s guild will find itself in is the main enticement and driving force for the action in this series. FUNimation has done well splitting up the series – if you think it’s a good thing releasing these over multiple parts – at points where there is a good cliffhanger. Part 3 ended with Erza going after her Jellal to stop him from reviving the ancient evil wizard Zeref. The ruling body of wizards was threatening to use a powerful magical blast known as Etherion to stop him, but that meant devastating the entire surrounding area and killing Erza in the process. Part 4 begins with a typically grand conclusion to that arc while quickly moving onto the next, which is the threat against Fairy Tail by their leader Makarov’s own grandson, the powerful wizard Laxus.

Video Quality


The upscaled AVC/MPEG-4 1080p/24 transfer remains consistent to the previous three parts, with the same sort of motion artifacts and stairstepping around the line art. The transfer continues to have the same good vibrancy in the color saturation and relatively strong detail for an upscaled presentation.

Audio Quality


Audio also remains consistent with previous releases in both the original Japanese Dolby TrueHD 2.0 (48kHz/24-bit) and English Dolby TrueHD 5.1 (48kHz/24-bit) dub. The Japanese mix is a good one with clean dialogue, wide stereo imaging and sense of depth to the dynamics, although given the material at hand, the mix remains mostly louder and in your face. The English dub opens the soundstage a bit, but is a more atmospheric sound design truer to the original Japanese language track than it is aggressively discrete in use of the surrounds. It also offers clean dialogue, a good spread of sounds, and decent dynamics.

Supplemental Materials


Outside of the two audio commentaries, there is nothing outside of the norm offered on here that will be really worth going through.

The supplements:

  • Episode 39 Commentary
  • Episode 45 Commentary
  • Textless Opening Song “R.P.G. ~Rockin’ Playing Game”
  • Textless Closing Song “Kimi Ga Iru Kara”
  • Trailers:
    • Okami-san and Her Seven Companions
    • Sands of Destruction
    • One Piece
    • Sengoku Basara
    • Chrome Shelled Regios
    • Nabari No Ou
    • Yu Yu Hakusho
    • Funimation.com

The Definitive Word



True to form, Fairy Tail: Part 4 is action-filled and fun to watch in part 4. Fans of the series should be pleased with the continuation of this cool series.

Additional Screen Captures


Purchase Fairy Tail: Part 4 on Blu-ray/DVD at CD Universe

Shop for more Blu-ray titles at Amazon.com


Purchase Fairy Tail: Part 4 on Blu-ray/DVD at CD Universe

Shop for more Blu-ray titles at Amazon.com




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